Friday, June 29, 2012

Curiosity Killed the Cat, or Did It?

A curious situation, but definitely a comfortable one.

Curiosity killed the cat.  That is how the saying goes and I know so many people who hold it as truth.  I have never embraced this old adage, however. In my opinion, curiosity doesn't kill as much as it kindles the imagination, sparks creativity, and makes for a very interesting life.

I am a seeker by nature.  I want to know and understand things. For as long as I can remember, I have a burning desire to figure out how stuff works and why people behave the way they do.  I have always wanted to understand me as well.  The idea of digging deeply and seeing how far I can go intrigues me.  It's one of the reasons why I am so introspective. I analyze everything to find out what new things I can learn. My analytical nature can be both a blessing and a curse, but I generally accept it as one of my finer characteristics. Although I have a tendency to over think, I appreciate looking closely at the details of my life and my experiences.  I make mistakes, I get into situations that might be awkward or unusual, but I always learn something in the end.  I look for the lesson in every situation and every person I encounter and then integrate it into my knowledge base.

On an intellectual level, I understand how a seeking nature can create situations that could possibly pose risks for the stability of one's life, but I still maintain an insatiable drive to find out what makes people tick, to know the length scope of my own understanding of self, and to discover new experiences.  I don't think I will ever give up my curious streak.  At the present time, I am embracing it more than ever.  I am two months away from turning forty and although I have led a stellar life up to this point, I want to continue to enrich it, to become, if not the very best version of me, at least a version of myself that knows more than it did the day before.

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