Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tears for St. Ursula

Tears for St. Ursula (Patron Saint of Brides)
Broken by indifference,
she begs St. Ursula's ear.

Please return the feelings of June
to this house, to this kitchen, to this bed.
Infuse the moments after five
with summer sensations,
when evening doors open and close
and we forget to be in love.

Rekindle his heat, the kind of knowing
found only in early days
when hours apart ached like bruises
and minutes together filled slowly like blisters
to burst in exquisite satisfaction.

Have him remember me, wedding white and pure.
Open his eyes to me, full of love and child.
Let him kiss me out of desire,
untethered from obligation.

Please, St. Ursula, return to us
the blessings of June.

One Kiss
I want to be held, to be hugged to be kissed.
I want to be told I'm needed, I'm missed.
I want to be whole, to be fine, to be well.
I want to be taken out of my shell.
I want to feel love in all it's sweet riot.
I want to remember my moment's of quiet.
I want to be lucid, and thoughtful, and right.
I want my good morning and my good night.
I may sound so greedy in wanting all this,
and to think that it started with one little kiss.

Love My Lies

kiss my lips
touch my eyes
stroke my hair
love my lies

lay with me
a breath apart
let me break
your undone heart

like a stone
in love you'll fall
sinking deep
I own you all

Angels Whispered
On the day you were born,
angels placed your name in my ear--
whispered of the things to be and
I waited with held breath
quiet inside myself
deep into the unknown knowledge of you.

On the day we met
angels placed your hand in mine--
whispered of the things to be and
I waited with desire
burning inside myself
deep into the new world of your eyes.

One the day we marry
angels will place my life with yours--
whisper of the things to be and
I wait full of love
content inside myself
deep into this adventure we embrace.

Virgin Eyes
My virgin eyes made innocent love
starting with those toes
peeking from worn sandals
moving languorously up muscled legs, resting on
each golden hair caught in Indian Summer sun.

I immersed myself in this moment, breathless
as I skimmed over trim hips.
The wind took my hands, wrapped them around
your waiting waist and pulled you into me.
And I am certain you felt it too.

Felt my fingers that burned into your back,
taut and stretched, defined in motion.
Such a revelry so complete,
replete with sensation.
I felt womanly and wanted
in wanting you.

Rapture and Desire

Rapture and devastation
dance an invisible
line of desire.

Primal and untamed
the drive to extinction
cannot be extinguished.

Consumed by the terrible need,
recognition will love remorse
for all the years ahead.

swims through wires
and I hear your voice,
disembodied on waves
that stream through my ears
creating nervious rivulets of desire.

I am a gully, an arroyo that fills
with the thought of you.
Lilke rushing stormwater
breaking the banks
my head spins dizzy
when your words
travel to me.

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