Thursday, March 29, 2012

Watering The Lawn: Envy Doesn't Grow a Garden

The dictionary defines envy as a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.  Everyone experiences it at some point in his or her life.  Whether it be a small child wanting her friend's new Barbie or an adult who wants her friend's income, envy strikes everyone.  Some people spend lifetimes envying others, while certain people develop an immunity to feelings of envy.  Most people will never achieve a level of being completely immune to the effects of being envious.  It goes against human nature to not want something terrific that someone else possesses.  However, trying to get into a position where envy occurs infrequently is a good goal to have. Envy comprises an emotion that causes cognitive dissonance, grief, and angst and should be avoided when at all possible.  That, unfortunately, is easier said than done.

It can be difficult viewing another person's success, prosperity, or happiness and not wanting the same things for yourself, especially if you feel as if you don't deserve them or will never be able to attain them.  Envy creates a vicious circle.  The primary problem with feelings of envy lies in the fact that if a person spends his or her time and energy wanting what others have, they are not dedicating the same amount of resources to achieving those things for themselves.  They waste time on wanting, when they could expend energy on manifesting wonderful things in their own lives.  Envy drains a person of the ability to craft from both hope and hard work, a life that brings fulfillment and satisfaction.  It is a black hole that sucks time, energy, and potential.

Someone once told me, "The grass wouldn't always be greener on the other side of the fence, if you spent more time watering your own lawn." This is such a true statement.  Everyone, including myself, should spend more time on their own gardens.  Look deeply inside yourself and determine which flowers you want to blossom in your life, and then make every effort to provide them water, sunshine, and energy.  Guaranteed, that with love, hard work, and devotion, the blossoms of your life will crowd out and subdue any weeds of envy.  Create your own beautiful space, your own fantastic life directing all that is you to the effort of making this short amount of time we have on earth profoundly meaningful.  Water your own lawn diligently and just see how wonderful your life can become.

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