Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Generous Spirit

My son Jack recently received a nice set of dominoes from a friend of mine.  From the time he was two, he has loved dominoes passionately.  He doesn't play the game, but rather he makes fabulous structures from them.  Knowing how much he treasured his new dominoes, I was pleased and surprised this afternoon when he graciously shared them with his younger brother, Joshua.  Joshua has a habit of being a bit destructive, so Jack understood the risk when he let Joshua play with them. This act of generosity on his part made me happy because for me, it is an indication that my husband and I are doing something right in raising our children. It also got me to thinking about generosity in general and how very important it is to raise children with an understanding of why having a generous spirit is so valuable.

Generosity is the act of giving freely without expecting anything in return.  It means to give of oneself unconditionally, no strings attached. This habit is essential to a happy life.  When people share with one another, it doubles the joy and pleasure derived from what is being shared.  Generosity fosters human connections, empathy for others, compassion, and a sense of belonging to something larger than oneself.  It is a gratifying feeling to help someone out or provide a need for them, whether it be material or emotional.  Basically, engaging in generous acts justs makes for a better person.

Generosity doesn't always mean meeting material or emotional needs of people, however.  Having a generous spirit in regard to one's outlook toward people in general creates a more fulfilling life as well.  Being able to think the best of others allows a person to focus on the positive aspects of one's life and of the positive aspects of the world around them.  It creates a mental and emotional environment that acknowledges the good in universe and the divine spark in all people.

It's not always easy to be generous. Generosity of spirit requires a person to be happy for other people's successes without indulging in envy.  It demands that a person give other people the benefit of the doubt regarding their intentions and actions.  It makes a person see situations from another's perspective, and to appreciate a difference of opinions and ideas.  Crafting a consistent generous mindset can be taxing and tiring, but just like exercise, it gets easier the more a person does it.

I challenge everyone who reads this to commit to becoming a more generous person and to perform acts of generosity on a daily basis.  I want to have a life of meaning and connectedness to the world around me, and I know that having a generous spirit comprises a huge part of that particular recipe.  I hope that others recognize it too. 

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