Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Seriously? February Had To Have an Extra Day This Year

Although most years of the modern calendar have 365 days, a complete revolution around the sun takes approximately 365 days and 6 hours. Every four years, during which an extra 24 hours have accumulated, one extra day is added to keep the count coordinated with the sun's apparent position.

For being the shortest month of the year, February has always seemed interminably long to me.  It is my least favorite month of the year although several of the most special and important events of my life have taken place during this time.  I think of it as a month of holding one's breath, of playing a waiting game.  I am tired of winter which has completely lost its luster and I am waiting impatiently for spring to arrive.

I am pretty sure at this point that my attitude has a lot to do with February generally being a stressful, crappy month.  I always have managed to get sick after staying healthy all winter long, and my children all come down with something at the same time as well.  It is a month of ear infections, stomach flu, colds, runny noses, and the start of allergies. Therefore, I never really approach February with a good attitude.  I consistently wait for the other shoe to drop this month and wait for the sickness to happen so we can get it over with.  Perhaps I draw it to myself by thinking like this.  I really need to change my attitude, but I can't seem to get enough energy to do it.  This month also marks a time when my energy levels drop.  I have a tendency to become mildly depressed, realize I've completely reneged on all my New Year's resolutions, and generally feel like doing absolutely nothing.

Suffice to say, this February sucks much in the same way as most previous Februaries.  Actually, it sucks a bit more.  It's been a difficult month for a variety of reasons.  Everyone, including my husband got sick this year during this month, several things around the house have needed serious repair, allergies have hit earlier than usual and harder than normal, and I have put by the wayside everything I resolved to do at the start of January.  I am feeling as if the month cannot end fast enough and lo and's a damned leap year!  Just my luck.

I know I should be grateful to have more time granted to me, but I just can't work up the gratitude this year.  I am holding out for March and hoping things will be better.  I normally have a great attitude and love life, but right now I just want to go back to bed for the remainder of this extra day and wake up to an entirely new month!  I am vowing to start fresh, have a positive outlook on life and much like the spring that is rapidly approaching enter into a period of renewal. And on that note...I think I shall go take a nap!

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