Friday, September 16, 2011

On Love and Lust

Today I am still pondering the concept of love.  My last entry touched on the subject of it's importance to a good marriage, but it didn't delve heartily into the idea of love itself.  This thinking of what constitutes love and how a person expresses love got me to thinking about lust--a close relative of love, but an entirely different creature altogether.  Some simple differences between the two states remain obvious to anyone who has ever felt either of these emotions.  Love can be classified as deep, pure affection for someone on an emotional level. The completely physical and biological nature of desiring someone sexually characterizes lust.  That's just a basic differentiation of the is so much more than that.  It inspired me to write some poetry because I am still contemplating the facets of both love and lust and have not come to a concrete idea on which to write a full entry.  Anyway...I hope you enjoy these.  They were actually quite fun to write.

Addicted To Love

Like Marlboros to a smoker,
I desire to take you inside myself,
inhaling your essence.

Like scotch to an alcoholic,
I crave your bewitching smoothness
coursing through my veins.

Like heroin to a junkie,
I long with a desperation
that makes me physically ill.

Is there a twelve-step program for you?

The Phone

Your voice
entrances my imagination.
Jazz-mellow and melodious
creating symphonies with words.
Smooth, sticky-sweet like honey
dripping from your lips.
Held tightly
by the phonemes
dancing on your breath.
So charmed by your inflection,
mesmerized by the softness
of its touch upon my ear.

Even Though

Even though
I only shave my legs once a week,
and his five o'clock shadow comes in at two,
we still kiss like teenagers.

Even though
he hates my cat
and I despise his dog
we still hold hands in public.

Even though
my housekeeping skills leave a little to be desired
and his favorite recipe calls for a drive through window
we still smile when we see each other walk into a room.

Even though
I haven't slept well in five years
and he snores all night long
we still wake up in the morning thankful to be together.

Lay Down, I Think I Love You

Lay down...
I think I love you
tonight under Van Gogh starry skies.
I am certain that I do
in this insular moment
cherish your body
and some of your soul.

Lay down...
melt with me
on these burning vinyl seats
sticky with humidity and adolescent desire.
Ignore the mosquitos
and let the night's heat
create a slickness
in which we slide against each other
into one another.

Lay down...
I am certain that I adore you
right here, right now
forever on this night
when crickets and disembodied
movie voices create an electric
background score for lust.

Lay down...
I am lost in the need for you.
I whisper in your ear
"Give in to me now...please
let me love you tonight."
Passion scents mingle then
with buttered popcorn,
summer pine, and your
shoulders smelling of

I Am

I am in the shadows
with a sunshine kiss
and in a breeze that strokes your cheek
on a summer's eve.

You can find me in a birdsong
or the sound of swaying trees
each swish and creak
my whisper in your ears.

I am floating with the clouds.
Innocence on air,
sliding on a beam of sun
to reach the verdant earth.

I am never far away,
just a beat within your heart,
a name upon your lips,
a love everlasting
immortal within you.

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