Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Place of Yes

When opportunity knocks, you should open the damn door.  That was my status update for facebook this evening after having a pretty serious discussion with my husband regarding his business.  It's kind of scary to contemplate change; moving from what's known to the unknown frightens most people.  People harbor valid fears about whether the change will be positive or negative, whether it will result in failure, or even end too much success.  Humans are habitual creatures. We thrive on routine and sameness, so the thought of changing something drastic in our lives provokes an unsettled feeling if not downright fear.

Sometimes, however, a person has to push beyond his or her comfort zone and just go for whatever change is necessary and good.  Even if the move proves to be risky, a person can't gain anything good from being stagnant and fearing change. No one ever regrets going for something at the end of his or her life just because she or he failed at it.  Life is all about the experiences, not about the endgame.  If a person refuses to experience life, all the good and the bad, then he or she will never learn a thing about him/herself or the world in which he/she lives. 

I am trying to make my life one in which I move from a place of yes.  Where, when the world presents change to me, I take it and embrace it and live it fully. 

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