Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Boundaries: A Nonet
Breaking boundaries can be quite hard
implied force smacks of violence
but it is not always so.
Sometimes it is the soft
persuasive and cool
voices that move
your undone
heart and

Moving beyond the normal for your life can be quite difficult.  It hurts.  It causes consternation, cognitive dissonance, feelings of uncertainty and angst.  Most of the time, the actual pushing beyond personal boundaries proves to be an unpleasant experience on the whole.  That being said, however, once you are on the other side...damn if you don't feel like you accomplished something grand!  Sometimes it can be life that determines whether or not we will stay in stasis, whether or not we move or we remain stagnant.  Sometimes it can be people who push us to move somewhere we don't feel necessarily comfortable going.  And still, other times it can be the desire or motivation within ourselves that constitutes the impetus for change. 

Regardless of whatever prompts us to go that extra distance, to move outside the box, to become something more or greater than we are at this moment, we should gather our courage and embrace the process of change as well as the changes that ultimately occur.  Humans are dynamic creatures, meant to be growing constantly...thinking, learning, experiencing, and above all adapting and changing.  We are not meant to be creatures of habit and contentment.  The destination for all people should be a realization at the end of one's life that he or she did all that he or she could to live fully, completely, and dynamically.

Recently I had a friend persuade me to do something I normally wouldn't do.  I hesitated, hemmed and hawed, and ultimately found myself on the otherside of the circumstance, feeling great! Everytime I do someting I don't usually do, or that makes me uncomfortable because of its unfamiliarity, I grow a bit more as a person, add to my storehouse of experience, and become more truly the me that I envision.  It makes me want to say thank you to all the people within my life that have for one reason or another put me in a position where I had to gather my forces and make a move beyond my boundaries. I am a better person for having known each and every one of you, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.

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