Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Enjoy the Ride: Old Time is Still A-Flying

“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old Time is still a-flying. And this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.”--Robert Herrick

I woke up this morning thinking about nothing much except that I wanted to crawl back under my comforter, snuggle down and sleep some more.  I really, really enjoy sleeping.  My dream life entertains me immensely and usually my nightly journeys consist of happy, interesting, and exciting dreams.  Nightmares rarely enter my dreamland state.  However, I occasionally wake with a vague feeling of unease, and its then that I know my dreams did not comprise the entertaining and energizing kind.  After I staggering from bed this morning, pouring the prerequisite cup of steaming, black coffee, and taking my fifteen minutes to contemplate the weight of the world, I felt the hairy, creeping fingers of unease tickling the back of my memory.  I guess I dreamt of something unpleasant last night so I focused on what the issue could be that niggled at me.

After some contemplation, I remembered my dream, and realized that my emotional discomfort came from the fact that time moves way too quickly these days.  I dreamt about aging too quickly and missing my life due to my inattention and general distraction.  I hate the idea of not seeing the forest for the trees.  I want to fully participate in my life and acknowledge the important events and people present in it, as well as those remarkable small moments that make an impact on me.  If I distract myself with mundane and trivial things, then I won't see any of the essential stuff.  That scares me.

I have a hard time believing its October already.  Where did this year go?  When did my children get that much taller already, that much more talkative and knowledgeable?  The days disappear in what feels like mere hours, and the weeks roll by so quickly that a month seems half as long as it did just a few short years ago. I want to slow down time...put the brakes on, and just enjoy the moment, enjoy my children and husband, friends and family, my life in general.  I want to recognize and acknowledge and save those wonderful golden moments we all have.  I don't want to miss a thing.  

I know I can't get bogged down in this unsettled emotion I am entertaining at the moment.  I need to shake it off and focus on the fact that I do take the time to appreciate the people and events in my life, even though the inane and trivial tasks take up so much of my days.  I can only do what I can do in that regard, so why worry too much about it?  Time spent worrying takes away from time spent wisely on paying attention to the important aspects of my life.  I think I am going to gather all my rosebuds today and tomorrow and the next.  Old Time is still a-flying, so I might as well roll with it and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Thats one of the signs of end of the world coming nearer. As per Prophet Mohammad pbh in the last years of earth years would pass like months and months like weeks and weeks like days and days like hours . so it proves his saying 1400 years ago.
